If you could sit for just one minute on this bench and talk to a lost loved one, what would you say? Would you spend the time crying your eyes out saying how much you missed them? Would that be something they would want to hear? Would you spend the minute asking where the life insurance document is? I very much doubt it. Like me you would probably just smile, tell them you love them and spend time holding their hand in a knowing silence. Maybe a hug to feel that warmth, because at the end all you get to take with you is the love of those you're leaving behind and you love you have for them.
"It's the love you take with you"
If you meditate then meditate on this image. Set an intention to speak to your loved one and open your heart to the possibility. You might only get a minute but make it a beautiful minute and enjoy whatever you get beyond that. When it's over thank them for coming to speak to you and ask if you can see them again another time if you wish.
It might not happen straight away but persevere and you will eventually get your wish.