There are many ways to connect with your inner self, to be at one with being you, and they mostly stem from your senses. The 5 main senses plus some esoteric ones. This is also linked to the way you learn.
Let’s look at it for a moment:
The representational systems in NLP are simple enough, the five senses. We represent the world using the visual (images), auditory (sounds), kinesthetic (touch and internal feelings), gustatory (tastes) and olfactory (smells) senses. We construct our mental maps through representational systems also known in NLP as sensory channels.
This is good news for calming us down and allowing us to meditate better. When we take time to meditate and be mindful we become more aware of our inner self. The human inside of this complex animal we reside in. There’s a saying I like to use here “We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.' We sometimes forget that our spirit or soul needs to be let out every so often. It’s tough controlling these meat sacks after all lol.
Anyway we can adopt several ways of finding our inner peace and stretching our souls once in a while. Through meditation we can include music that calms us or guided meditations (auditory) whilst also burning incense or diffusing essential oils (olfactory) we could also hold a crystal during the meditation (kinaesthetic) and using our minds to picture the things we are hearing through guided meditations for example (visual). The more senses we stimulate the stronger the response.
If you relate this all back to how you like to learn then your meditations can go deeper too. Are you the type of person who just likes to ‘give it a go’ (kinaesthetic) or do like to be shown diagrams (visual) or do you prefer to be lectured (auditory). You can see what I’m getting at I’m sure. So let’s utilise these things in our coaching sessions. Just decide how you like learn or what stimulates a memory or a feeling and adopt that approach. Then think about bringing that into your daily life.
Think about it, enjoy discovering your own combinations but above all connect with the human soul locked up in that biological prison. Set yourself free once in a while, life becomes so much more enjoyable.